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21 Days Gorillas, Exclusive mammals & Mountains of the Moons Tour

Meet the Mountain Gorillas of Uganda & climb the Rwenzori Mountains. A Uganda safari for the adventurous! Includes a seven day hike in the Rwenzori mountains as well gorilla trekking, game viewing in 3 national parks, safari walk in Ziwa rhino sanctuary and relaxation on Bushara Island in the beautiful Lake Bunyonyi.

Day 1: Arrival at Entebbe Airport and transfer to your hotel (optional evening tour to Ndere cultural centre depending)

On arrival at Entebbe airport. You meet our professional tour guide and are taken to Kampala on the way we see the vast fresh water lake, Lake Victoria. Relax at the hotel to be ready for your gorillas and Rwenzori mountains safari starting the next day. Depending on the day of week (performances are staged on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays & Sundays)  it might be possible to go for Ndere troupe dance performance in the evening (traditional Ugandan & east African dances).

 Dinner and overnight at Maries Royale Hotel/equivalent

Day 2: City tour before transfer to Rhino sanctuary

You will be amazed with how vibrant the city is from as early as 7am! Harmonizing with the sights and sounds of Kampala. Magnificent million dollar views of our City on 7 hills, historical cathedrals and more is seen during the city tour. After the city tour we leave Kampala behind and head towards Ziwa Rhino sanctuary where rhinos are being reintroduced to Uganda. Here we have lunch and you go trekking the rhinos in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight at Amuka safari lodge/equivalent

Day 3: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park -The Giraffe Paradise

Just out of the ranch advance into Murchison Falls national park. Visit the top of the falls -This is a magnificent classic highlight on our 3rd day as an explosive dash of water at close range gushes through a narrow crevice. Another highlight is scheduled in the afternoon the 3 hours boat ride on the Nile to the base of Falls where you get to see the Hippos (You have never seen more hippos yawning, Grooming in there Pods anywhere else than here- Believe me you), Nile crocodiles, elephants and a variety of beautiful bird species along the banks. If you are a keen birder this might be your magnet to catch them. Dinner and overnight at Twiga Tales Lodge

Day 4: Game-drive in Murchison Falls National Park

An early cup of tea/coffee at 6:00am before ferry crossing for a game-drive by the Nile river Bank to the broad savannah for the most likelihood seeing elephants, giraffes, buffalos, possibly big cats hunting plus more as the checklist of mammals in this park reaches 76. We continue browsing the drive circuits to the delta point for a cocktail of birds and mammals species along the banks. If you are a keen birder this might be your magnet to catch them. After the game-drive we head to the lodge in Budongo forest where the afternoon is spent. Dinner and overnight at Budongo Eco lodge/equivalent

Day 5: An early optional walk in the kanio pabidi forest of Budongo

Get into Budongo Forest for a morning walk exploring the forest if you wish. If you are a keen birder this might be your magnet to catch some forest species, after the walk we then transfer to Hoima. Checkout and drive along the Albertine rift, with calculated stopovers for landscape views of the escarpments and natural vegetation, African homesteads and gardens. Check in for relaxation, dinner and overnight at Kontiki Hotel Hoima/equivalent

Day 6: After breakfast transfer to Fort portal environs of Kibale Forest National Park

It’s a 4-5 hours drive with our target to have lunch in Fortpotal as the distance was cut yesterday the pressure and fatigue is lessened. A punctuation of stopovers at sceneries like the rift valley escarpment on Lake Albert, typical African village setup in the far country side and tea plantations along the drive ways offer chances for stretching along the way as we check in late afternoon. A host of different species of Monkeys- red colobus, red tailed monkey and bush babies in this area. In the forest canopy butterflies and various bird species like the native Great blue Turaco, joyful greenbul, olive long tailed cuckoo and the superb black bee eater may be seen. Dinner and overnight at Nyinabulitwa Country resort/equivalent

Day 7: Village walk before transfer to Rwenzori Mountains

After breakfast enjoy a village walk and crater exploration near our camp or mahoma waterfalls then transfer to Rwenzori base camp to get ready for the adventure starting tomorrow Muntain Climbing of the Rwenzori Mountain. We spend the night at the Rwenzori base camp.

Day 8: Stage 1: From Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba Hut, 2652 m

From the Rwenzori Mountains National Park Head Quarter at Nyakalengija, 1.646 m., you will receive the briefing from the guides, with the possibility of hiring equipment. The hike starts through the plantations and homes of the Bakonjo, the people of the mountain, gradually reaching garden plots and elephants grass. You follow the Mobuku River, until crossing the Mahoma river. The trail passes through an open bracken fern slopes and Podorcarpus Forest, up to Nyabitaba Hut, 2.652 m., which is the arrival point for the day. This will take from 5 to 6 hours. From the location, you are facing on the North the Portal Peaks, 4.627 m. and in front Mount Kyniangoma. During the day, you might see monkeys, the Rwenzori Turaco and hearing the chimpanzees. Dinner and overnight at Nyabitaba Hut

Day 9: Stage 2: From Nyabitaba Hut to John Matte Hut, 3414 m

From Nyabitaba Hut you cross the Kurt Shaffer Bridge, through a muddy area along the Mubuku river. Then the trail climbs up through the bamboo forest. You reach a steep rocky area, which leads to Nyamuleju Hut. This point marks the start of the giant lobelia and groundsel zone. The way proceeds through a bog full of typical plants along the Bujuku river. The final point is John Matte Hut, 3.414 m. for spending the night. From Nyabitaba Hut to John Matte it can take approximately 6 hours. Enjoy the view of Mount Stanley and snow capped Margherita and Elena Peaks. Dinner and overnight at John Matte Hut

Day 10: Stage 3: From John Matte Hut to Bujuku Hut, 3962 m

From John Matte Hut you cross the Bujuku River and enter the lower Bigo bog, a grassy bog where you experience how to jump from tussock to tussock. You reach Bigo Hut and enter the upper Bigo bog, proceeding to Lake Bujuku, where it is starting the alpine savannah zone of little vegetation. You finally arrive at Bujuku Hut, 3.962 m. This day hike can take up to 5 hours. There you have a view on the peaks of Mount Stanley, Mount Baker and Mount Speke. Dinner and overnight at Bujuku Hut

Day 11: Stage 4: From Bujuku Hut to Elena Hut, 4540 m

From Bujuku Hut you climb through moss draped groundsel vegetation, to Scott Elliot Pass, 4.372 m., between Mt. Baker and Stanley. Here you divert to Elena Hut, 4.540 m. for spending the night before climbing Mt. Stanley. We later get to our resting camp and relax to be ready for the next stage. Dinner and overnight at Elena Hut

Day 12: Stage 5 From Elena Hut to Kitandara Hut, 4023 m

From Elena Hut you ascend the last tract of rock and ice which leads to Margherita Peak on Mt. Stanley, 5.109 m. Time to complete the climbing about 3 hours. The peak was first climbed by the Duke of Abruzzi at 9.30am on 18th June 1.906. After you descend to Upper Kitandara lake and through thick mud to Lower Kitandara lake where is located Kitandara Hut, 4.023 m where you will spend the night. Time to complete the hike about 3 hours more. From Kitandara Hut you can proceed for climbing Mount Baker or Mount Luigi di Savoia and the peak Vittorio Sella. Enjoy the view of Mt. Luigi di Savoia. Dinner and overnight at Kitandara Hut

Day 13: Stage 6: From Kitandara Hut to Guy Yeoman Hut, 3261 m

From Lake Kitandara you climb to Freshfield Pass, 4.282 m., a long flat of high alpine mossy glades, before descending the circuit among rocky and boggy areas. The panorama is dominated by the glaciers of Mounts Stanley and Baker and Mount of Savoy. A muddy trail leads to Akendahi, Bujongolo and Kabamba rock shelters, where starts the Kabamba valley down to Guy Yeoman Hut, 3.261 m. This can take up to 6 hours. The hut is surrounded by a beautiful landscape of mountains, vegetation and rivers. Dinner and overnight at Guy Yoeman Hut

Day 14: Stage 7: From Guy Yeoman Hut back to Nyakalengija

Final descent back to Nyakalengija. The trial is attractive along the valley of the Mobuku and Kichuchu rivers, rich in plants and flowers of the heather zone before reaching the bamboo forest. See Kabamba falls on the way. Time to reach Nyabitaba Hut is about 4 hours. From Nyabitaba starts the 40 minutes trial to see Lake Mahoma and back to the hut for descending to the Park Head Quarter. The trial takes more 2 to 3 hours. At the finishing point your safari guides meets you and takes you to the lodge by Queen Elizabeth national park to rest after your adventure.  Dinner and overnight at Pumba Safari cottages/equivalent

Day 15: - Chimps trekking in Kalinzu forest and boat-cruise in Queen Elizabeth national park

Start the day with entering the jungle to have a walk in fascinating forest and a meeting with the chimpanzees. After the chimps trekking in Kalinzu forest we head to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon it is time for the boat-cruise on Kazinga channel, this is a 32km channel which links Lake Edward and Lake George. This channel is said to contain the world’s largest concentration of Hippos. Be ready to see land and water adapted hippopotamuses yawning and some slashing canines to each other and the National Geographical society killing machine the Nile crocodile gaping along the banks, savanna version of pigs the warthog- Pumba of the award winning Lion King are a hallmark sign in this animal home of Mamaland Uganda. Dinner and overnight at Pumba Safari cottages/equivalent

Day 16: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park via Ishasha's tree-climbing lions zone

  This morning we transfer through the Ishasha part of Queen Elizabeth national park, an adventurous vast savanna area with Topis and the southern version of elephants, famous for its tree-climbing lions. After hopefully spotting some tree-climbing lions during the game-drive we head towards Bwindi Impenetrable national park with lunch en route. The journey takes us from flat savanna, via cultivated hills to tropical rain forest covered mountains. Dinner and overnight at Gorilla Mist Camp/equivalent

Day 17: Gorilla trekking day- Bwindi Impenetrable forest

 Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is the home to the forest giants that are cousins to human beings, the mountain gorillas. Have an early breakfast and be taken to the starting point of the gorilla trekking. Together with a specialized guide you set off into the beautiful jungle and get to spend one hour with the mountain gorillas. This impenetrable forest is as well full of birds, butterflies and plant species plus forest hog, forest elephants, sitatungas, and duikers. After the trek we transfer through the forest to Lake Bunyonyi, it’s a beautiful drive through the neck of the impenetrable forest. Reach the lake and take in the stunning views. Dinner and overnight at Bunyonyi Gorilla View parkers/Equivalent



Day 18: Relaxation day at Lake Bunyonyi

Enjoy a free day by beautiful Lake Bunyonyi. Here there is a short list of possible activities such as canoeing, visiting village islands, swimming in the lake or just relaxing with a good book. Option- hiking on Bushara trail along the lakeshores, return to the hotel and relax, afternoon canoe ride along the lake, visit Pygmies. For the birder Lake Bunyonyi offers nice birding with small resident and exotic bird species singing. Dinner and overnight at Bunyonyi Gorilla View parkers/Equivalent

Day 19: After breakfast transfer to Lake Mburo, the ‘Zebra magnet’

Leave Lake Bunyonyi behind and continue driving through the hilly areas, out of the vast savanna dotted with acacia and shrubs. Our aim is to be at the lodge for lunch before heading out for an afternoon game-drive. We search for zebras, Topis, warthogs, cape buffaloes and impalas as we drive along the tracks. Dinner and overnight at Rwakobo Rock/equivalent.

Day 20: Early morning safari walk in Lake Mburo NP & transfer to Kampala

Get early up for a safari walk to visit the hyenas den, chance to see leopards, zebras, waterbucks, birds and buffaloes in there day break jungle life! Get back to the lodge for breakfast and thereafter start the drive back to Kampala taking 4,1/2hrs. Make a stop by the Equator line for experimentation and photography, lunch, souvenir shopping and some photo poses where the southern- and northern hemispheres meet. Reach Kampala in the evening for relaxation, dinner and overnight at Cassia Lodge/equivalent




Day 21: Transfer to Entebbe and Fly back home

After having breakfast at your pace, check out of the hotel and transfer to Entebbe international airport to readily catch your flight back home as you say farewell to the pearl of Africa!!

What is included?

  • Gorilla permits

  • All meals

  • Chimpanzee permit

  • Transport in 4x4

  • Guides & Park fees

  • Rwenzori climbing fees

What is not included?

  • International flight ticket

  • Tourist Insurance

  • Tips

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