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18 Days Join a Group Adventure Safari

Minimum 2 people                                                                         

Maximum 8 people

This Safari is Tailored to give you a feel of Ugandas Wild Parks, Ugandan Cultures and amazing lanscapes.With this you are assured of viewing a number of animals which include the Zebras of Lake Mburo, Giraffes in Murchison Falls, Lions in Kidepo, The chance too see the Mountain Gorillas of Bwindi, Chimpanzees,  Zebras and Antelope herds in Savanna, the tree climbing Lions of Queen Elizabeth National Park's Ishasha Sector and a day in between to relax by the Lake Bunyonyi. "something You surely don't want to Miss" with a best price Guaranteed.


Day 1: Arrival and transfer to the lodge/hotel

You will have a warm welcome by our tour guide/driver at Entebbe airport (EBB) who will take you to your hotel in Entebbe or Kampala for relaxation, dinner and overnight. Depending on the time of arrival, you can have a city tour!

Safari lodge: Maries Royale Hotel


Day 2: Transfer to Kitgum via Zziwa Rhino sanctuary.

On this day, you will enjoy your breakfast at your hotel in Kampala set off for Ziwa Rhino sanctuary. This stop over will give you the complete feel of the “big five” in Uganda. With an en-route lunch at Amuka Lodge, you shall make a stopover at the Ziwa Rhino sanctuary to view the endangered rhinos before continuing to Kitgum. Ziwa rhino sanctuary is home to the endangered rhinos that are not found elsewhere in Uganda. The driver/guide will then transfer you to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Safari lodge/Hotel: Boma Hotel Kitgum

Day 3: Transfer to Kidepo valley National Park-Game drive

After breakfast drive northwards through Lira in a landscape of vast plains and semi-arid savannah framed by jagged mountains and wooded hills, Kidepo is one of the wildest and most spectacular reserves in Africa. The landscape throughout the park is studded with small hills, rocky outcrops and Inselbergs from which one can obtain stunning views in all directions enjoy panoramic views of the Narus River Valley and photographic opportunities of wildlife from all corners. On arrival in the park, you will check in, relax a bit and have lunch. Later go for an evening game drive along the Narus River Valley for game viewing and photography of Elephants, herds of Buffaloes, Jackals, Jackson's Hartebeest, Klipspringer and possibly Lions. Dinner and overnight at Kidepo Bandas.

Safari lodge: Apoka Bandas


Day 4: Kidepo National Park morning game drive and evening Karamajong interaction

 After an early breakfast, go for a morning game drive to Kanangorok hot spring. A variety of animals can be seen roaming around including Ostrich and later return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon have a cultural experience that will bring you into contact with Karamojong peoples at Karenna and Kapedo. Meet the local elders and have an opportunity to interact with them. They will show you the kraals, the grinding stones and many more interesting items. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight at Apoka Bandas.

Safari lodge: Apoka Bandas


Day 5: Morning game drive -Transfer back through Gulu

After breakfast, have a morning game drive to search for Kidepo’s exclusive wildlife such as Ostriches, hartebeest, Roan antelopes and many woodland birds. Have lunch and relax by the lodge. Later, travel through the remotest zones of Uganda, seeing the villages and grass thatched houses passing by the window. View the wild, domestic and Cultural richness of this pearl of Africa, experience quality Vegetation Spend the night in the town of Gulu. Dinner and overnight at Churhill Courts Hotel.

Safari lodge: Churchill Courts Hotel


Day 6: Transfer from Gulu to Murchison falls-Afternoon game drive

 You will meet our professional driver guide at your Hotel in Lira town or your place of embarkment and drive southwards to Murchison Falls National park reaching in afternoon at your hotel for lunch. After lunch, we depart for a game drive across the savannah in the northern part of the park. You will see abundant wildlife as the sun rises as Murchison Falls National Park is a home of game including Elephants, Lions, Leopards, Buffaloes, Hartebeests, Giraffes and a heaven of antelopes. Head back to the lodge and for relaxation, dinner and overnight .

Safari lodge: Twiga Tales Lodge


Day 7: Morning game viewing drive and afternoon boat cruise to the bottom of falls.

On this day, take pleasure in a morning game drive towards the Albert and Victoria Nile and experience a great deal of wildlife and birds. Along the way, look out for herds of elephants, giraffes, antelopes, the Uganda Kobs, buffaloes, waterbucks, lions, and several bird species.  Later on in the day after lunch, embark on a launch cruise to the base of the falls. You will then hike to the top of the falls and enjoy the aerial view of the falls as well as other flora and fauna. You will then return to the lodge for dinner and rest.

Safari lodge: Twiga Tales Lodge


Day 8: Transfer to Kibale forest national park.

After a healthy breakfast, you will be transfer to Kibale forest National Park, the capital world of Primates such as chimpanzee, baboons and monkeys. With en-route lunch meals. Upon arrival, you will check in at your lodge for dinner and peaceful rest.

Safari lodge: Nyinabulitwa Country Resort.


Day 9: Chimpanzee tracking and community walk to Bigodi.

On this day, you will rise quite early and enjoy quick breakfast. Thereafter, you will be guided to the forest and experience tracking of the chimps and other primates in their natural habitat (this is the primate capital of the world). The park’s site guide will take you through this adventurous experience where you may be blessed with enormous encounters of various forest primates like the L’hoest, black faced colobus monkeys, baboons and other forest species. You will enjoy an evening tour to Bigodi wetland. This wetland sanctuary near Kibale forest is famous for the colobus monkeys, blue monkeys and a wealth of bird life like the African Broad-bill and the great blue turraco. Retire for dinner.

Safari lodge: Nyinabulitwa Country Resort


Day 10: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park-Evening game drive.

After a relaxed breakfast, you will go to Queen Elizabeth, through Kasese town viewing the mountain Rwenzori ranges. Check in at the lodge, have lunch and relax a bit as wait for an evening game drive.

Safari lodge: Parkview Safari Lodge


Day 11: Morning game drive - afternoon boat cruise

Early in the morning set off for the morning game drive in the Northern crater area where there is a lot of dark holes called the black craters with no water. You may be able to see a lot of animal species such as the Elephants, lions, buffaloes etc. Return for lunch at the lodge and in the afternoon you will embark on a boat cruise on Kazinga channel. This is very rewarding with the aquatic animals like crocodiles, hippos and many bird species like black bee carmine bee eaters and black bee eaters, Lesser Swamp-Warbler, Striated Heron among others. This takes 2-3 hour.

Safari lodge: Parkview Safari Lodge


Day 12: Going on to Ishasha sector – tree climbing lion zone and transfer to Bwindi

After having breakfast at the lodge, your driver will drive you to the Ishasha sector.   You will embark on the game drive that will give you a chance to see tree climbing lions.          

Safari lodge: Gorilla Mist Camp.

Day 13: Gorilla tracking in Bwindi.

After very early breakfast, you will be guided to the park headquarters for the briefing session about the gorilla trackers code of conduct from the park’s guides. Thereafter, you will get ready, along with your packed lunches to embark on the lifetime memorable experience in this magnificent forest for gorilla tracking. The trail you use may reward you with exciting moments of the giant mountain gorillas ‘this will be a reward of the ultimate gorilla experience’ as well as other primates that inhabit the forest.

 Safari lodge: Gorilla Mist Camp.

Day 14: Going on to Lake Bunyonyi
After breakfast, we will make our scenic journey through the beautiful terrain of the rolling hills with terraced landscape to Lake Bunyonyi, Given the inevitable rigorous day at Bwindi, most clients will cherish some relaxing moments on the shores of this peaceful Lake. You will enjoy an evening canoe ride on the lake. Dinner and peaceful overnight stay at the lodges besides Lake Bunyonyi.

Safari lodge: Bunyonyi Eco Resort

Day 15: Going on to Lake Mburo national park.

After breakfast, we will make our scenic journey through the beautiful terrain of the rolling hills with terraced landscape to Lake Mburo national park,

This park is well-known for zebras, impalas, antelopes, kobs, bushbucks, and you will enjoy an evening canoe ride on the lake. Check in at the lodge.

Safari lodge: Rwakobo rock Lodge


Day 16: Game viewing and afternoon canoe ride.

During the drive you will be able to see animals like the zebras, elephants, impalas, Uganda cobs, eland and so many others. In the evening you will go for a boat ride on Lake Mburo where you will see crocodiles, hippos and water birds. 

Safari lodge: Rwakobo rock Lodge Camp.

Day 17: Transfer to Kampala via Igongo cultural centre.

After a healthy breakfast at your lodge, you will embark on an exciting road trip back to Kampala (Lunch en route) with a stopover at Igongo Cultural centre and at the equator line for experimentation. Check in the evening at your hotel for dinner and relaxation.

Safari lodge: Marie Royale Hotel.


Day 18: Reserved for your departure from Entebbe Air port.




* Gorilla Permit each person
* Car hire transportation in 4WD tourist car
* Fuel for the entire trip
* Park entrance fees in the parks
* Bird watching while on tour
* Guided game viewing in all parks
* Launch cruises
* Warm lunches during transfer days
* Chimpanzee permits at Kibale park
* Canoe ride in Lake Bunyonyi

* Canoe ride in Lake Mburo
* Safe drinking mineral water in car full time
* Meals at the lodges
* Services of English speaking driver-guide
* Accommodation for 13 nights on full board meals
* Airport /Hotel transfers

* Air ticket and visa fees
* Soft sodas and alcoholic drinks
* Extra activities out of itinerary
* And other personal items/expenses

Elephants in Kidepo National Park
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